General News
NSS Biakoye District organize orientation and election for all 2019/2020 newly posted Service Personnels

The national services secretariat in the BIAKOYE district in the Oti region has organize orientation and election of new executives for newly posted service personnel in the district. The program took place at the District office at Nkonya Wurupong RC chapel at 9am on Wednesday 20th of November, In attendance was the District Chief Executive of Biakoye District Hon Comfort Atta, Biakoye District Director of Education Madam Roseline Ofori, NSS District Director Mr Daniel Sosoo, Representative of District Director of Health, Outgoing executives.
The Hon DCE started by welcoming the personnel to Biakoye District, in her welcome Address she said is a pleasure meeting NSPs for the first time since posted in to the district, she ask the personnel to put up good behavior and be hardworking, she also encourage them not to copy bad behavior but must be dedicative to work. She continue by adding that her office is open at all time in case there is need. The DCE asked the NSPs in the District to educate the public on the up coming District Assembly election and also vote Yes in the referendum on 17th of December. The District Director of NSS Mr Daniel Sosoo national services is done for one year, after which you get your certificate he continue by saying all NSSs must be at post each and everyday and if there is a need to be absent from post the personnel must follow due process. He also encourage everyone to feel free and forward problems encounter at post to the District office.
Madam Roseline Ofori who is the District Director of Education started by saying importance of education can never be underrated and also the duty of education office is to make sure teaching and learning is effective in the district. She welcome all NSPs in to the district and asked them to exhibit good behavior at post and also be role models to the learners. She also end by saying her office will never cover up for wrong doings.
The program continue at 1:30pm with the election of new executives, the first position which is the NASPA president position had two persons contesting
Mr Godsway Assumah and Mr Arnold Tonou at the end of the election, Mr Arnold Tonou emerged as the newly elected NASPA president.
The election continue with the vice President position the people aspiring for the vice president position are Mensah Frank and Mr Prosper Dikpeku and at the end of the election Mr Prosper Dikpeku also emerged winner as the newly elected NASPA vice president. After the election the newly elected executives have been sworn into office
They promise to work hand in hand with the office for the betterment of the district.
cc:Bubune Bernice Mizpah.