Biakoye District NASPA Organized first general meeting after election of new executives for 2019/2020.

The newly elected executives of the National Services Personnel Association (NASPA) In collaboration with NSS in the Biakoye District organized first general meeting for all 2019/2020 National Services Personnel in the district.
In attendance was the GNAT P.R.O Biakoye and Jasikan District Mr Christian Gbeve, Assistant District Director of NSS Mr Innocent Amanu, Former NASPA president, new NASPA executives and the National Services Personnels in the District.
The program which started at 9:00am look place at Tapa Abotoase Assemblies of God Church.
Mr Christian Gbeve PRO for the Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT) started by welcoming all Personnel to the program, he said GNAT is one of the largest teachers union in the Ghana and also a registered and recognized Union with the interest of protecting it’s members, he continued by saying the aims of the association is to accord equal right to all members and to promote the interests of members and secure for them attractive condition of service that may retain them in the teaching profession, the PRO who is also a teacher stated that the association has over 51 thousand members in the country.
He continue by saying the association is a registered Trade Union under Section 84 of the labour act 2004(Act 651) ,he also encourage all Personnel who are teachers to join GNAT because there are so many benefit if one becomes a member of the association.
On the other hand Mr Innocent Amanu who represent the NSS District Director welcome the Personnel once again into the district, he said National Service is done for one year before employment so he encourage all Personnel who are putting up bad behaviors to put a stop to it .
The newly elected NASPA president Arnold Tonou said the agenda for the meeting is to look at the way forward for NASPA and the welfare as National service Personnel and also formation of committee to champion the good course of NASPA.
Mr Tonou continue by saying NASPA will help Personnel who are yet to have Tin number and Biometric Passport get one , the association will also help Personnel to acquire loans, organize quiz and debate competition for schools in the district, he said NASPA will also organize entrepreneurial skills development
seminar for Personnel, he entreat all Personnel to pay their monthly dues regularly for all initiatives to come on smoothly.
Former NASPA president also encourage all Personnel to take good care of themselves and also pay all monthly dues on time.
Story:Bubune Bernice Mizpah