Boxing Day, the 26th of December, 2020 saw a rare occasion of celebrating the aged and physically challenged at Dzodze.

The annual social event by the Agbaledzopui foundation this time this time took place at the Roman Catholic Church Premises at Dzodze and focused on celebrating the aged and physically challenged.

The MC popularly known as Jeopardy called Miss Olivia Kpebu who introduced the chairman for the occasion Professor Paul Ahiatrogah; who gladly and warmly accepted to chair the occasion in view of the targeted audience and the importance to cater for such unique groups-and refresh their memories on important actions and inactions for happier healthier lives. Some notable personalities who graced the occasion aside the professor were H.E Modestus Ahiable, Abraham Ahiable, Mr. Sampson Ahiatrogah. Mr. Dzamenu, Julius Kassah, VivantusLife Adenyo, King Norbert Akpabli , media houses well represented, beauty Queens among many others.

Also present especially were traditional rulers from far and near. Togbui Dey III of Dzodze -Apetepe, Togbui Vodzi VI of Dzodze Fiagbedu, Torgbui Godor III, Torgbui Adorga from Keta, Torgbui Atsudzesu III, Torgbui Dali III, Torgbui Akutu II, Mama Anyitsorgbe II and Mama Gbetortriakor. Then there was Madam Justine Quist-Public Health Nurse billed to give health talk and Reverend Father Ankrah from St Pauls Senior High School-Denu.

The MC invited Mama Agbaledzokpui II to take the stage- shetook her turn to extend season’s greetings to all gathered, and welcomed everybody to the celebration. She highlighted the difference in the foundation’s program this year-which this time the focus shifted from the children and was on the elderly and physically challenged who needed to be celebrated from time to time none the less. She stated children will continue to be one core focal area of the Agbaledzokpui II foundation –interestareas such as giving educational support to the underprivileged, giving out books and other educational needs or kits to needy brilliant pupils especially among others. She went on to say the foundation is exploring issues of child trafficking to improve the plight of the underprivileged in the municipality of Ketu North-a border line so to speak and would continue to do work in skills training such as soap and beads making for needy women especially and more! She said the foundation in looking forward thought it wise and appropriate to start celebrating the aged and disabled-putting smiles on the faces of all in times like this.

She appealed to well-wishers to support the foundation to meet set objectives and again thanked donors who have donated to the foundation over the years; especially this one- she was happy about the public response, thanking all for coming and wishedall a merry Christmas and prosperous new year 2021.

The gathering was treated to good traditional musical interludesintermittently: by the Dzigbordi Cultural Troupe led by Master Drummer Answer Tagborlo and also Seamegbe Music Troupe.

Madam Justine Quist took her time for “health talk”, to admonish all to eat healthy, dance a lot in view of the benefits if dancing is seen as a form of exercise and done regularly for health and longevity.

Many parcels were distributed including food and drinks.

Indeed there was strict adherence to Covid !9 rules with free mask distribution and not much spacing.

In his closing remarks- professor Paul Ahiatrogah thanked all for the positive cooperation, appreciated the efforts of the foundation and Mama and urged more of such initiatives whiles encouraging public-private support- in view of the enormous benefits our societies stand to gain from such actions anywhere.

Prayers were said by Reverend Father David Allan Ankrahbringing the program to a successful end.

SOURCE: Denyigba News Desk




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