The paramount chief made the call at a News conference in his palace at Aflao following the deployment of security personnel along the Aflao-Lome border.He said the presence of the troops started causing fear and panic amongst the inhabitants when they embarked on house to house searches and “brutalizing of motor bikers within the towns.”Togbe Fiti said the harassment of citizens occupying the border towns was having detrimental effects on agriculture and socio-economic activities.“Brutalizing of innocent civilians is frown on by the Constitution of Ghana. Even Prisoners of War are protected by The Hague Convention let alone civilians going about their lawful business,” he added.Togbe Fiti said the Government could not “allow its troops to brutalize its own citizens without recourse to justice whilst lamenting George Floyds’ passing at the hands of a white police officer in Minneapolis (USA),” adding that they were peace loving and believed in Ghana’s “Freedom and Justice” for all.He said the Aflao Traditional area supported the Government in its implementation of protocols to prevent the spread of Covid-19.Source: Modernnewsgh
Call deployed military at Aflao to order – Torgbui Fiti V